Given the choice of life or death, to save those other than myself,
I fear, I must admit, that my faith would waver.
So, when the Divine spoke with you from heaven up above,
were you offered a choice of what you might do?
You, one without fault, did you question Father lightly?
Did you bow your head, believing his words to be almighty and true?
Were your steps steady when asked to fulfill your fate?
Climbing upon that hill, destiny met, asked to wait.
Did you stand at the cross, hands folded, quietly praying
for the calvary to swoop in, offering a chance at disobeying?
To live free, to die free; were those your burdens to bear?
Or did you close your eyes and accept His will with a final prayer?
A chance to change your fate was never in the skies for you,
but only to accept with grace, the ultimate act of free will,
is what He knew you’d always do.
Photograph by @son_of_media